My eggs are cooking!

So today we heard from the lab and learned that out of my 12 eggs collected, 8 have fertilised!!

I’m SO freakin thrilled! Two didn’t make the cut, but still another two are possible late starters.

When I heard this today, I got instantly teary – M had the phone as I was getting pin pricked at acupuncture – so when I got back in the car he told me the good news. It felt like the first and biggest hurdle was over. Until then I had been harbouring a secret fear that they just wouldn’t take at all.

My other favourite part of today? My darling fella looking so bloody proud that his swimmers had stepped up to the plate and delivered the goods. We were worried that ICSI would be used if his boys were not looking hot, but in the end we didnt need to.

I do know, realistically, that the next few days are crucial, and that all 8 may not make it to the finish line on Wednesday, but I have to be thankful for every miracle along the way.

The only problem with the good news is that I immediately started second guessing everything that has passed before now. Why have I not got to this stage before? Or do I in fact fertilize but they dont implant? What has stopped us thus far? I know I will eventually go mad asking all these questions, and luckily for me when I asked them out loud to M he was great at reminding me that before we were only ever dealing with “maybes”. You know, “maybe” my follicles released an egg, “maybe” his swimmers made it far enough…etc!

So now we wait and hope some more, that my darling embryos-to-be are feeling strong, and multiplying and turning into little, teeny tiny miracles.

Oh and I want to thank EVERYONE in my virtual community who is cheering for me, it really feels so great to share this with you all. Also, one of my readers made me laugh out loud today when I read her hilarious post about IVF and what she has learned so far! Thanks Barren Betty!Β


8 thoughts on “My eggs are cooking!

  1. I am sending you my best virtual *thumbs up*! All the uncertainty is horrible, but you have come so far already… Not long to go now (and you are going pretty good so far!). I am keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for you x

  2. Cook little eggs! Cook! I’m so excited for you and will be thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed. Try not to second guess why things haven’t worked before now … Just keep thinking positive! Oh I am just so excited and hopeful for you guys.

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